Solmer SA

CH-6807 Taverne
Via Brüsighell 14
+41 (91) 941 61 88


 Human ENT-line made from European Propolis.  The extraction and purification process makes it 100% bioavailable and it's combined with other natural ingredients.  

What is Propolis?  

Propolis, which means 'defence of the city' in Greek, is a mixture of resinous, gummy and balsamic substances produced by bees from the resins they collect from the buds and bark of trees, which they then mix with enzymes from their saliva, wax and pollen. This vegetal substance - of a beautiful amber colour - is then placed in front of the hive entrance as a natural barrier to protect the colony from external aggression and predators. 

The richness of Propolis lies in the multitude of substances it contains. These include flavonoids, phenolic acids, aromatic acids and many trace elements that make it a unique substance in Nature.  

Known since ancient times and already used by the Egyptians, the Romans, the Greeks and the Incas to mummify the pharaohs, nowadays Propolis is of great interest to scientists, who have been trying to unlock its hidden secrets since the 1970s. Numerous studies have been carried out, gradually lifting the veil on all that this incredible resin can bring us.  


Registered office

Solmer SA

Via San Giorgio 9a
CH-6976 Castagnola


Operational headquarters

Solmer SA

CH-6807 Taverne
Via Brüsighell 14
+41 (91) 941 61 88


+41 0(91) 941 61 88